Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I think it's neat that art never runs out.  Because every person born is something brand new to the universe, creativity will never run out.  God is infinite right?  We are an expression of his image and nature.  Each new soul born brings something no one has ever seen in the history of the world.  

I think my art comes out through hospitality.  In this area, I see things that many people don't see, and I think of things that most wouldn't, because maybe hospitality is my art!  When I clean my kitchen at the end of the day, each little move is a stroke of beauty resulting in a masterpiece!

One of Stuart's arts is humor.  NO ONE in the world would think of the things he says.  He often forgets his jokes afterwards while other people remember them and laugh years later.  It's his art!

Each person is bringing their art...all mingling together in the air...

And the world is a mural!  

My art is NOT writing, but I see the world different from anyone else who has ever lived!  

I am an artist!
(so are you)

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