Saturday, February 12, 2011

30 weeks

When you're 26 yrs old, the number 3o is going to be a little intimidating, no matter how you put it. There is so much happening, I hardly know where to begin! This week, my baby's daddy and I went to tour the hospital where he will make his entrance into the world! It was very interesting and I know we both were wide-eyed and maybe a little pale-faced the whole time. We got to see some adoooorable newborns in the nursery, and there were Peter Rabbit sketches on the walls (cute). The delivery room is really nice- very spacious with comfy seating and home-y amenities. The nurse kept going over what to do when we get there- dad, drop mom off in a wheelchair in the lobby, then park the car. She will be waiting in the lobby unless anything crazy happens, in which case, run to the 8th floor and scream her name until the nurses show you to her room. It made me nervous; it made Stuart realize that we are, in fact, having a baby.

My bump has now overtaken any vertical part of my mid-section you could imagine it overtaking. I'm baffled as to where my ribs went. I find myself amazed at how small all the other girls seem now, and all the pictures of myself from Thanksgiving and Christmas make me laugh since I thought I had a such a 'bump'.

Little boy nuzzles and snuggles around like crazy in his "room", especially when I'm trying to sleep or when his dad is praying for him. I absolutely love it. I love to pester him a little- like push down on one baby body part and make him squirm in response. It's so cute and freaky at the same time. It proves what we all know: that parents love to torture their kids from the beginning!

I have so much left to do in the nursery. It just doesn't even matter though- maybe I'll have more time to finish it up after he's born when I get a break from work! Perhaps he can help me pick out some things for his room once he's seen it. I'm trying to enjoy this special time as much as possible and I'm starting to realize that the best is yet to come.


Steph said...

"run to the 8th floor and scream her name until a nurse shows you to her room"

you guys are going to be great!

bevmomduck said...

Love the squiggles when his daddy prays for him part!